SvelteKit + Supabase
Published: 9/15/2021
SvelteKit + Supabase
Published Wed Sep 15 2021
I’ve been in the market for a backend SaS provider that could be a one-stop-shop for my lil apps. I heard about Supabase from the Remotely Interesting podcast and it sounded promising.
I’m glad I checked it out. They host a database for you and do auth via an easy to use API. They had a svelte example project that I used quite a bit to make a little social-media pre-registation page I gave the pun-tastic name SiteGeist (sightGeist and shiteGeist were close contenders.)
The only downside I’ve come across is that I’m trying to learn TypeScript and they don’t have full TypeScript support for the supabase-js library yet.
I’m excited to try it out for a more complex project: I’m thinking I might make a simple ‘set tracker’ for a HIIT-type or circut-training-type workout. I do those a couple of times a week and I’m always losing my place because I’m listening to some in-depth podcast :)
Onward and Upward!